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LeanMessage REST API Guide

Request Format

For POST and PUT requests, the body of the requests should be JSON. The Content-Type needs to be configured as application/json.


Authentication of the request is via the key-value pair included in the HTTP Header. The parameters are as follows:

X-LC-Id{{appid}}App ID of the current applicationCheck in Dashboard -> Settings -> App keys
X-LC-Key{{appkey}}App Key of the current applicationCheck in Dashboard -> Settings -> App keys

Some administrative interfaces require master key.

Relevant Concept

The _Conversation table includes some built-in fields to define the attributes and participants of the conversations. For one-on-one conversations, group chats, chat rooms, official accounts, and bots, see LeanMessage Overview - Conversation for more information.

One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats

Create Conversation

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to create.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"My First Conversation", "m": ["BillGates", "SteveJobs"], "unique": true}' \

The above instance will create an basic conversation, including two initial participants having client ID 'BillGates' and 'SteveJobs'. A success creation will return the objectId. Namely , the conversation ID. The client side can send message with this code. The created conversations can be queried from table _Conversation. Fields in conversations can refer to the Conversation in LeanMessage guide. Passing "unique": true will ensure the uniqueness of the conversation.rtm

It returns:

{"objectId"=>"5a5d7432c3422b31ed845e75", "createdAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:32.814Z"}

The only distinction between One-on-One Chatting and Group Chats is the number of the clients. The two share the same API.

Query Conversation(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to query.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'where={"name": "first conversation"}' \
--data-urlencode 'skip=1' \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limitoptionaltogether with 'skip' to implement paging
whereoptionalsee Leanstorage - Query.

It returns:

{"results"=>[{"name"=>"test conv1", "m"=>["tom", "jerry"], "createdAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "updatedAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "objectId"=>"5a5ecde6c3422b738c8779d7"}]}

Update Conversation(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to mutate.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"Updated Conversation"}' \

_Conversation table can get updated via this interface except the m field.

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Delete Conversation(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to mutate.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:


Add User(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to mutate.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["Tom", "Jerry"]}' \
{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Remove User(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to mutate.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["Tom", "Jerry"]}' \

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Query User(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to access.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:

{"result": ["client1","client2"]}

Add mute User(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to access.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["Tom", "Jerry"]}' \

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Query the mute User(s)

In table _Conversation, the default ACL permission requires master key to access.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:

{"result": ["client1", "client2"]}

One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats-send messages

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": ""}' \

Warning,since this is an management interface, when you send mesages via this interface, we will not check whether from_client has the permission to message in the conversation. All the requests will be approved. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS TO USE THIS INTERFACE. If you use the Rich Media format, the sending message's message field has some required format. Rich Media format guide has the details.

from_clientrequiredclient Id of Sender
messagerequiredmessage content (The type of the content should be string, but we have no constraint on the inner format.
Theoretically, developer can send any format with size smaller than 5MB. )
transientoptionalwhether the message is transient, default to FALSE
no_syncoptionalmessage will get synchronized to the online from_client users, setting this via setting it to TRUE.
push_dataoptionalset the offline push content of this message as attachment. If receiver is an iOS device and offline, we will push offline content according to this paramter. Refer to offline push notification
priorityoptionalset priority of the message (HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW). The parameter is not case-sensitive and defaults to NORMAL. This parameter only works on transient and Chat Rooms messages. High priority messages may still be queued if the connection between server side and client side is blocked.
mention_alloptionalboolean type, remind all the participants to have an eye on this message.
mention_client_idsoptionalarray type, tag the participants who need have eyes. No more than 20 client Ids.

It returns:

By default , the message API is asynchronous. The Message id and the received timestamp on the server side will get returned. For example: {"msg-id":"qNkRkFWOeSqP65S9fDyHJw", "timestamp":1495431811151}.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Query History Messages

This interface requires master key. To ensure the security of the chat History, you can use the signature authentication, refer to [Security and Signature](realtime-guide-senior.html#Security and Signature).

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
msgidOptionalinitial message id for query, It is required to add timestamp as the startpoint of query
timestampOptionaltimestamp at start of the query. Default on current time (on millisecond).
till_msgidOptionalfinal message id for query. It is required to add till_timestamp as the end of query
till_timestampOptionaltimestamp at end of the query. Default to 0(on millisecond).
include_startOptionalwhether timestamp and msgid are included in start message, boolean, default to false.
include_stopOptionalwhether till_timestamp and till_msgid are included in end message, boolean, default to false.
reversedOptionalreturn results on the reversed order (on descending time series by default), till_timestamp is the current timestamp, timestamp default to 0. Boolean. False by default.
limitOptionalnumber limit on return, default to 100, maximum 1000.
client_idOptionalviewer id (signature parameter)
nonceOptionalsignature random string (signature parameter)
signature_tsOptionalsignature timestamp (signature parameter),unit on millisecond
signatureOptionalsignature (signature parameter)

This interface has many time parameters. Here we have an example reference. For instance, there are three messages (id1, id2, id3) in one conversation, with timestamp t1, t2, t3 respectively (t1 < t2 < t3), the different queried result are as follows (blank fields indicate default value)for your:

t3id3t1id1trueid3 id2
t3id3t1id1trueid2 id1
t1id1t3id3truetrueid1 id2
t1id1t3id3truetrueid2 id3

It returns a JSON array, sorted on descending timestamp by default, set reversed as true to return on reversed order.

It returns:

"timestamp": 1408008498571,
"conv-id": "219946ef32e40c515d33ae6975a5c593",
"data": "Nice weather today!",
"from": "u111872755_9d0461adf9c267ae263b3742c60fa",
"msg-id": "vdkGm4dtRNmhQ5gqUTFBiA",
"is-conv": true,
"is-room": false,
"to": "5541c02ce4b0f83f4d44414e",
"bin": false,
"from-ip": ""

If you want to query history messages sent by a certain user, you can invoke GET /rtm/clients/{client_id}/messages. If you want to query all history messages of the application, you can invoke GET /rtm/messages].

One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats - Modify the Messages

This interface requires the master key. We support the new function of modification and recall. After modification and recall, the cached messages on client terminals will get altered. For the old version,only the messages on server will get altered but not the cached client messages.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientrequiredsender client ID
timestamprequiredmessage timestamp

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

This interface has frequency limit, click here for details.

One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats - Recall the Messages

This interface requries master key. It should be used in combination with matching SDK. See [Modify Messages](#Modify Messages) interface.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientrequiredsender Client ID
timestamprequiredtimestamp of the message

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

This interface has frequency limit, click here for details.

Delete Messages

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'from_client=some-client-id' \
--data-urlencode 'timestamp=123' \

NOTE: this interface will delete the messages on the server. It does no effect on the client terminal

from_clientrequiredsender client ID
timestamprequriedmessage timestamp

It returns:


Add Temporary Prohibited user

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_id": "some-client-id", "ttl": 50}' \
client_idmuted Client ID, string
ttlmuted time, seconds, 24h at maximum

It returns:


Remove Temporary muted user

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=some-client-id' \

It returns:


Conversation Permission

Refer to Permission management and Block List

Add Permission

This interface requires master key. Each conversation is permitted to add 500 permanent muted users.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"clientId": "client", "role": "role"}' \
clientIduser ID, string
rolerole, Enum[Member,Manager,Owner]

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Delete Permission

This interface requries master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
info-idthe matched objectId

It returns:


Update Permission

This interface requires master key

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"clientId": "client", "role": "role"}' \
clientIduser ID, string
rolerole , Enum[Member,Manager,Owner]
info-idthe matched objectId

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Query Permission

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'skip=1' \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limittogether with skip to implement pagination
rolethe role included in the query

It returns:

{"results": [{"clientId"=>"client1", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76", "role": "Manager"}]}

Add permanent muted user

This interface requires master key. Each conversation is permitted to add 500 permanent muted users.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
client_idsthe muted Client ID list , array

It returns:


Remove permanent muted user

This interface requires master key

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \

It returns:


Query the permanent muted List

This interface requires master key

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limitOptionallength of returned list, together with next to implement pagination, default to 10
nextOptionalreturned on the first query, and the following query will use this parameter to implement pagination


{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}

Blocked List

Refer to Blocked List

Add users to conversation Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

The blocked user will get removed from the conversation and muted from joining in. Each conversation can have 500 blocked users at most.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
client_idsblocked Client ID list, array

It returns:


Query the Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
limitOptionaltogether with next to implement pagination , default to 10
nextOptionalreturned on the first query, and the following query will use this parameter to implement pagination

It returns:

{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}

Chat Rooms

Create Chat Rooms

In _Conversation table , the default ACL permission requires master key to create.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"My First Chatroom"}' \

The fields in the request are specified in Conversation.

It returns:

{"objectId"=>"5a5d7432c3422b31ed845e75", "createdAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:32.814Z"}

Query the Chat Rooms

In _Conversation table , the default ACL permission requires master key to create.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'where={"name": "chatroom"}' \
--data-urlencode 'skip=1' \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limitOptionaltogether with skip for pagination
whereOptionalrefer to Leanstorage - Query.

It returns:

{"results"=>[{"name"=>"My First Chatroom", "createdAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "updatedAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "objectId"=>"5a5ecde6c3422b738c8779d7"}]}

Update Chatrooms

In _Conversation table the default ACL permission requires master key to update.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"Updated Chatroom"}' \

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Delete Chatrooms

In _Conversation table the default ACL permission requires master key to update.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:


Get the Online Users Randomly

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:

{"result": ["clientid1", "clientid2", "clientid3"]}

Query the count of online users

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:

{"result": 3}

Chatrooms-send messages

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": ""}' \

Warning, due to the management nature of the interface. When you send meesages via this interface, we will not check whether from_client has the permission to message in the conversation. All the requests will be approved. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS TO USE THIS INTERFACE. If you used the Rich Media format, when sending messages message field has some required format, [Rich Media format guide](./realtime_rest_api.html#Rich Media format guide) has the details. In addition, chatroom does not support synchronously send messages to these online from_client.

from_clientrequiredclient Id of Sender
messagerequiredmessage content (The type of the content should be string, but we have no constraint on the inner format.
Theoretically, developer can send any format with size smaller than 5MB. )
transientoptionalwhether the message is transient, default on FALSE
no_syncoptionalmessage will get synchronized to the online from_client users, ban this via setting it to TRUE.
push_dataoptionalset the offline push content of this message as attachment. If receiver is an iOS device and offline, we will push offline content according to this parameter. Refer to [offline push notification](./realtime-guide-intermediate.html#offline Push Notification)
priorityoptionalset priority of the message (HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW). The parameter is not case-sensitive and defaults to NORMAL. This parameter only works on transient and Chat Rooms messages. Messages are in queue given it has high priority but the connection is blocked.
mention_alloptionalboolean type, remind all the participants to have an eye on this message.
mention_client_idsoptionalarray type, tag the participants who need have eyes. No more than 20 client Ids.

By default , the message API is asynchronous. The Message id and timestamp on Server when received will get returned. For example: {"msg-id":"qNkRkFWOeSqP65S9fDyHJw", "timestamp":1495431811151}.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click [here](#interface requests frequency limitation) to view.

Query History Messages

This interface requires master key. To ensure the encapsulation of the chat History, you can use the signature authentication, refer to [Security and Signature](realtime-guide-senior.html#Security and Signature).

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
msgidOptionalinitial message id for query,It is required to add timestamp as the startpoint of query
timestampOptionaltimestamp at start of the query. Default on current time (on millisecond).
till_msgidOptionalfinal message id for query It is required to add till_timestamp as the end of query
till_timestampOptionaltimestamp at end of the query. Default on 0e (on millisecond).
include_startOptionalwhether timestamp and msgid are included in start message, boolean, default on false.
include_stopOptionalwhether till_timestamp and till_msgid are included in end message, boolean, default on false.
reversedOptionalreturn results on the reversed order (on descending time series by default), till_timestamp is the current timestamp, timestamp default on 0. Boolean. False by default.
limitOptionalnumber limit on return, default on 100, maximum 1000.
client_idOptionalviewer id(signature parameter)
nonceOptionalsignature random string(signature parameter)
signature_tsOptionalsignature timestamp(signature parameter),unit on milliseconnd
signatureOptionalsignature(signature parameter)

This interface has many time parameters. Here we get an instance for your reference. For instance, id1,id2,id3 and the timestamp t1,t2,t3 (t1 < t2 < t3), the different queried result are as follows (blank fields indicate default value):

t3id3t1id1trueid3 id2
t3id3t1id1trueid2 id1
t1id1t3id3truetrueid1 id2
t1id1t3id3truetrueid2 id3

return format, JSON array, sorted on descending timestamp by default, set reversed as true to return on reversed order.


"timestamp": 1408008498571,
"conv-id": "219946ef32e40c515d33ae6975a5c593",
"data": "Nice weather today!",
"from": "u111872755_9d0461adf9c267ae263b3742c60fa",
"msg-id": "vdkGm4dtRNmhQ5gqUTFBiA",
"is-conv": true,
"is-room": false,
"to": "5541c02ce4b0f83f4d44414e",
"bin": false,
"from-ip": ""

If you want to query history messages sent by a certain user, you can invoke GET /rtm/clients/{client_id}/messages. If you want to query all history messages of the application, you can invoke GET /rtm/messages.

Chatrooms-Modify the Messages

This interface requires the master key. From Objective-C SDK v6.0.0、Android SDK v4.4.0、JavaScript SDK v3.5.0 ,we support the new function of modification and recall. After modification and recall, the cached messages on client terminals will get altered. For the old version,only the messages on server will get altered but not the cached client messages.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientrequiredsender client ID
timestamprequiredmessage timestamp

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

This interface has frequency limit, click here for details.

Chatrooms - Recall the Messages

This interface requries master key. It should be used in combination with matching SDK. See [Modify Messages](#Modify Messages) interface.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientrequiredsender Client ID
timestamprequiredtimestamp of the message

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

This interface has frequency limit, click here for details.

Delete Messages

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'from_client=some-client-id' \
--data-urlencode 'timestamp=123' \

NOTE: this interface will delete the messages on the Server , it does no effect on the client terminal

from_clientrequiredsender client ID
timestamprequriedmessage timestamp



Add Temporary Prohibited user

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_id": "some-client-id", "ttl": 50}' \
client_idprohibited Client ID, string
ttlprohibited time, seconds , 24h at maximum

It returns:


Remove Temporary prohibited user

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=some-client-id' \



Conversation Authority

Refer to Authority management and Block List

Add Authority

This interface requires master key. Each chatroom is permitted to add 10,000 permanent prohibited users.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"clientId": "client", "role": "role"}' \
clientIduser ID, string
rolerole, Enum[Member,Manager,Owner]

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Delete Authority

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
info-idthe matched objectId

It returns:


Update Authority

This interface requires master key.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"clientId": "client", "role": "role"}' \
clientIduser ID, string
rolerole , Enum[Member,Manager,Owner]
info-idthe matched objectId

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Query Authority

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'skip=1' \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limittogether with skip to implement pagination
rolethe role included in the query

It returns:

{"results": [{"clientId"=>"client1", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76", "role": "Manager"}]}

Add permanent prohibited users

This interface requires master key. Each chatroom is permitted to add 10,000 permanent prohibited users.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
client_idsthe prohibited Client ID list , array

It returns:


Remove permanent prohibited user

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \

It returns:


Query the permanent prohibited List

This interface requires master key

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limitOptionaltogether with next to implement pagination, default on 10
nextOptionalreturned on the first query, and the following query will use this parameter to implement pagination


{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}

Blocked List

Refer to Blocked List

Add chatroom Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

The blocked user will get removed from the conversation and prohibited from joining in. Each chatroom can have 10,000 blocked users at most.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
client_idsblocked Client ID list, array

It returns:


Remove chatroom Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \

It returns:


Query the Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
limitOptionallength of the returned list, together with next to implement pagination , default on 10
nextOptionalreturned on the first query, and the following query will use this parameter to implement pagination

It returns:

{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}

Official Accounts and Bots

Create Official Accounts

In table _Conversation, the default ACL authority requires master key to create.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"My First Service-conversation"}' \

The fields in the request are specified in Conversation.

It returns:

{"objectId"=>"5a5d7432c3422b31ed845e75", "createdAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:32.814Z"}

Query Official Accounts

In _Conversation table , the default ACL authority requires master key to query.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'where={"name": "service"}' \
--data-urlencode 'skip=1' \
--data-urlencode 'limit=20' \
limitOptionaltogether with ski for pagination
whereOptionalrefer to LeanStorage - Query.

It returns:

{"results"=>[{"name"=>"My First Chatroom", "createdAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "updatedAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "objectId"=>"5a5ecde6c3422b738c8779d7"}]}

Update Official Accounts

In _Conversation table , the default ACL authority requires master key to update.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"Updated Service-conversation"}' \

It returns:

{"updatedAt"=>"2018-01-16T03:40:37.683Z", "objectId"=>"5a5d7433c3422b31ed845e76"}

Delete Official Accounts

In _Conversation table , the default ACL authority requires master key to delete.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:


Subscribe Official Accounts

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_id":"client_id"}' \

It returns:


Unsubscribe the Official Accounts

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:


Traverse Through All the Subscribers

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
limitOptionallimit the number results returned, default and maximum on 50.
client_idOptionalSpecify which client_id to start. Start from the beginning of the subscribers list. The result will not include the start client_id.


[{"timestamp":1491467841116,"subscriber":"client id 1","conv_id":"55b871"},
{"timestamp":1491467852768,"subscriber":"client id 2","conv_id":"55b872"}, ...]

timestamp is the time of subscription, and subscriber is the client_id. If the query is not exhaustive, the last client_id in the results should be passed as the client_id parameter of the next query.

Query the Count the Subscribers

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:

{"count": 100}

Message All the Subscribers

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": ""}' \
from_clientRequiredsender client Id
messageRequiredmessage body
pushOptionalattached push content. If configured, iOS and Android user will receive this push notification. String or JSON object.

It returns:

{"msg-id":"qNkRkFWOeSqP65S9fDyHJw", "timestamp":1495431811151}

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Modify All the Messages to Subscribers

This interface requires master key.

From Objective-C SDK v6.0.0、Android SDK v4.4.0、JavaScript SDK v3.5.0 ,we support the new function of modification and recall. After modification and recall, the cached messages on client terminals will get altered. For the old version,only the messages on server will get altered but not the cached client messages.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientRequiredsender client ID
messageRequiredmessage body
timestampRequiredmessage timestamp

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Recall Messages to All Subscribers

This interface requires master key. It should be used in combination with matching SDK.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientRequiredsender client ID
timestampRequiredmessage timestamp

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Message any Subscriber Privately

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": ""}' \

Warning, due to the management nature of the interface. When you send mesages via this interface, we will not check whether from_client has the authority to message in the conversation. All the requests will be approved. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS TO USE THIS INTERFACE. If you used the Rich Media format, when sending messages message field has some required format, [Rich Media format guide](./realtime_rest_api.html#Rich Media format guide) has the details.

from_clientrequiredclient Id of Sender
to_clientsrequiredarray type, list of client to receive messages , 20 Ids at most.
messagerequiredmessage content (The type of the content should be string, but we have no constraint on the inner format.
Theoretically, developer can send any format with size smaller than 5MB. )
transientoptionalwhether the message is transient, default on FALSE
no_syncoptionalmessage will get synchronized to the online from_client users, ban this via setting it to TRUE.
push_dataoptionalset the offline push content of this message as attachment. If receiver is an iOS device and offline, we will push offline content according to this paramter. Refer to offline push notification
priorityoptionalset priority of the message (HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW. The parameter is not case-sensitive and defaults to NORMAL . This parameter only works on transient and Chats Rooms messages. Messages are in queue given it has high priority but the connection is blocked.

By default , the message API is asynchronous. The Message id and timestamp on Server when received will get returned. For example: {"msg-id":"qNkRkFWOeSqP65S9fDyHJw", "timestamp":1495431811151}.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Modify the Private Message to the User

This interface requires master key.

From Objective-C SDK v6.0.0、Android SDK v4.4.0、JavaScript SDK v3.5.0 ,we support the new function of modification and recall. After modification and recall, the cached messages on client terminals will get altered. For the old version,only the messages on server will get altered but not the cached client messages.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": "", "timestamp": 123, "to_clients":["a","b","c"]}' \
from_clientrequiredsender ID
messagerequiredmessage body
timestamprequiredmessage timestamp
to_clientsrequiredarray type, list of client to receive messages , 20 Ids at most.

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Recall the Private Message

This interface requires master key. It should be used in combination with matching SDK.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "timestamp": 123, "to_clients":["a","b","c"]}' \
from_clientrequiredsender ID
messagerequiredmessage body
timestamprequiredmessage timestamp
to_clientsrequiredarray type, list of client to receive messages , 20 Ids at most.

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limit:

this interface has frequency limitation , click here to view.

Delete Private Messages to Users

This interface requires master key and only works on subscription messages and private messages. To delete broadcast, please refer to delete broadcast.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'from_client=some-client-id' \
--data-urlencode 'timestamp=123' \

NOTE: this interface only works on server terminal but not on client terminal.

from_clientrequiredsender client ID
timestamprequiredmessage timestamp

It returns:


Query the Message sent from Official Account

This interface requires master key. The result contains broadcast from the Official Accounts and private messages.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

parameters and returned value resembles [query history messages](#query history messages).

Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

The blocked client will no longer subscribe the Official Account if removed. Each Official Account can have 10,000 blocked clients at most.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
client_idsblocked Client ID list, array

It returns:


Remove Blocked List of Official Accounts

This interface requires master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \

It returns:


Query the Official Accounts Blocked List

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}' \
limitOptionaltogether with next to implement pagination , default on 10
nextOptionalreturned on the first query, and the following query will use this parameter to implement pagination

It returns:

{"client_ids": ["client1", "client2"]}


Query the Online User

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"client_ids": ["Tom", "Jerry"]}' \
client_idsrequiredclients to query, at most 20

It returns:


Query Count of Unread Messages

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'conv_id=...' \
conv_idoptionalconversation ID, if not specified, query all the unread message by the client in all the conversations.

It returns:


Force Offline

This interface requires master key.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"reason": "why"}' \
reasonoptionaloffline reason, string type , no more than 20 characters.

It returns:


Query the subscribed Official Account

This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'conv_id=...' \
--data-urlencode 'timestamp=...' \
--data-urlencode 'limit=...' \
--data-urlencode 'direction=...' \
conv_idoptionalstringOfficial account ID at the start of the query. The query will start to traverse at the beginning of the subscription list if left blank. The result will not include the start ID.
timestampoptionalintegerquery the timestamp of the subscription. If you have specified the conv_id parameter, you must also specify this parameter and its value should match the time of the conversation specified by conv_id. Its unit is millisecond.
limitoptionalintegerreturn number limit, default on 50.
directionoptionalstringsort the result on time order, old indicates descending , new indicates ascending. The parameter is default on new. old will It returns: the latest subscribed conversation while new will It returns: the oldest conversation subscribed.

It returns: the subscribed system conversations list:

{"timestamp":1491467945277,"subscriber":"XXX","conv_id":"convId2"}, ...]

timestamp is the subscribed time by the user, subscriber is the subscriber client id. If the query is not exhaustive, the last Official Account ID and subscription time should be retrieved as new conv_id and timestamp parameters for the next query.

Query the history messages

This interface requires master key.

Invoke this interface can query messages sent by specified client_id in One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats and Chatrooms.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

For parameters and the returned value refer to One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats query the history messages interface.

Add Blocked List

This interface requires master key.

One client is permitted to add one group chat/ chatroom / Official Account to the Blocked list. Then this client cannot be added to these blocked conversations by other clients. Currently one client cannot add another client into the Blocked List.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"conv_id": ""}' \
conv_idrequiredblocked Group chats/chatroom/Official Account ID

It returns:


Remove from Blocked List

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"conv_id": ""}' \

It returns:


Query Blocked List

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
limitOptionaltogether with next to implement pagination , default on 10
nextOptionalIt returns:ed on the first query, the following query with this parameter to implement pagination

It returns:

{"conv_ids"=>["conv1"], "next"=>"1"}

Retrieve sign-in signature

This interface allows app using AV.User implement sign-in authentication quickly. Sign-in authentication is closed by default, go to Dashboard > Messaging > LeanMessage > Settings > LeanMessage settings, tick Verify signatures for logging in to enable it.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{appkey}}" \
-G \
--data-urlencode 'session_token=some-token' \
session_tokenrequiredsessionToken for AV.User

It returns:


Although this is a GET request, it is not idempotent. The signature returned will be different on each invocation.

To facilitate the fine-grained control for users, realizing functions self-customized (Blocked List), this interface provides a hook function _rtmClientSign. This hook will be invoked after verifying the sessionToken, Its parameter is a JSON object of AV.User.

"email": "",
"sessionToken": "",
"updatedAt": "", // format:2017-07-11T07:58:10.149Z
"phone": "",
"objectId": "",
"username": "",
"createdAt": "", // format:2017-07-11T07:58:10.149Z
"emailVerified": true/false,
"mobilePhoneVerified": true/false

You may receive two types of results:

{"result": true} // permitted to sign
{"result": false, "error": "error message"} // rejected to sign

Global API

Count the Users

This interface will return the total number of the online users and the total number of the independent users logged in today. This interface requires master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

It returns:


online_user_count indicates the currently online users on the app and user_count_today indicates the independent users logged in today.

Query all the Conversations

This interface will return all the One-on-One Chatting/Group Chats/Chat Rooms/Official Accounts and bots. In _Conversation, the default ACL authority requires the master key to access.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
limitoptionaltogether with 'skip' to implement paging
whereoptionalsee Leanstorage - Query.

It returns:

{"results"=>[{"name"=>"test conv1", "m"=>["tom", "jerry"], "createdAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "updatedAt"=>"2018-01-17T04:15:33.386Z", "objectId"=>"5a5ecde6c3422b738c8779d7"}]}

Global Broadcasts

This interface is able to broadcast messages (at most 30 per day) to clients in the app. This interface requires master key to access.

curl -X POST \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "1a", "message": "{\"_lctype\":-1,\"_lctext\":\"pure text message\",\"_lcattrs\":{\"a\":\"_lcattrs to hold some user-specified key-value pairs\"}}", "conv_id": "..."}' \
from_clientrequiredstringsender ID
conv_idrequiredstringconversation id to send (only in the official accounts)
messagerequiredstringmessage content (generally the content should be of string type but no rigorous limitations on the type.
as long as the size is less than 5kb, the developer can send messages of any types.)
valid_tillOptionalnumberexpiry time, UTC timestamp(millisecond), at most and default on 1 month later.
pushOptionalstring or JSONattached push, all the iOS and Android users will receive the notification if sets.
transientOptionalbooleandefault as false. This field is marked as whether the broadcast is transient. This will broadcast to all the online users. The offline users will not receive the copies after later logging in.

Push formats are in alignment with the data part of [Push Notification REST API message content](push_guide.html#message content_Data). If you need to specify the developer push certificate, you have to configure the "_profile": "dev" in the JSON for example:

"alert": "message content",
"category": "push category",
"badge": "Increment",
"_profile": "dev"

Frequency limitation:

This interface has a frequency limitation. Click here to view.

Modify the Broadcast Messages

This interface requires the master key.

The modification will only occur on the devices that have not received the original message yet. The received broadcast cannot be modified. Please be cautious when broadcasting.

curl -X PUT \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"from_client": "", "message": "", "timestamp": 123}' \
from_clientrequiredsender ID
messagerequiredmessage content
timestamprequiredtimestamp of the message

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Frequency limitation:

This interface has a frequency limitation. Click here to view.

Delete Broadcast Messages

The deletions will only occur on the devices do not receive the original message yet. The received broadcast cannot be deleted. This interface requires the master key.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
message_idrequiredtarget id, String

It will return status code 200 OK if succeeded.

Query the Broadcast Messages

Invoke this API to query all the valid broadcast messages. This interface requires master key to query.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \
conv_idrequiredofficial account ID
limitoptionalquantity of the messages returned
skipoptionalnumber of the messages to skip, for paging.

Query all the Messages History in the App

This interface requires the master key.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-LC-Id: {{appid}}" \
-H "X-LC-Key: {{masterkey}},master" \

Refer to GET /1.2/rtm/conversations/{conv_id}/messages interface.

Interface requests Frequency Limitation

Operations related to realtime messages invoking REST API has request frequency and quantity limitations (realtime message SDK API is not influenced), details as follows:


Business (per App)Developer (per App)
maximum 9000 requests/min, 1800 requests/min by default120 requests/min

The daily usage is calculated based on all the interfaces. LeanCloud will respond with error code 429 if exceeding the limit. The REST API will continue to handle requests after one minute.

The Buisness call ceiling can get mutated in Dashboard > Messaging > LeanMessage > Settings > Thresholds > Frequency limit for calling API for basic messages dashboard-rtm-limit. You will be billed for daily request frequency rate peak, as below:

calling / minpricing
0 ~ 1800Free
1801 ~ 3600$6 USD / day
3601 ~ 5400$9 USD / day
5401 ~ 7200$12 USD / day
7201 ~ 9000$15 USD / day

Daily calling peak rate can be viewed in Dashboard > Messaging > LeanMessage > API Peak connections dashboard-rtm-stats.

Subscription Messages


Frequency limit30 times per app /min10 times per app/min
Daily usage1000 at maximum100 at maximum

The limitation is calculated based on all the interfaces. LeanCloud will respond with error code 429 if exceeding the limit. The REST API will continue to handle requests after one minute. The request will not be processed if the daily usage amount is exceeded. All the requests will be responded by error 429.

Brodcast Messages


Frequency limit10 times per app /minonce per app/min
Daily usage30 at maximum10 at maximum

The limitation is calculated based on all the interfaces. LeanCloud will respond with error code 429 if exceeding the limit. The REST API will continue to handle requests after one minute. The request will not be processed if the daily usage amount is exceeded. All the requests will be responded by error 429.